Inspired by Gmail as an RSS reader, I wrote a script bloglines2email that:
- fetches unread news feed using Bloglines API, and
- send each item as an HTML mail to your Gmail account
Yay, this works really nicely. Gmail enables you a full-text search, labelling (or tagging) and star/unstar for clipping. And most of all, Gmail interface gives you much better user experience (it's fast, it has keyboard short-cuts, etc.)
Source Code
I put the script into my subversion repository, so you can check it out by svn co svn:// bloglines2email
You'll need some CPAN modules like WebService::Bloglines, XML::LibXML, Template-Toolkit, YAML and MIME::Lite. After installing modules, you'll need to setup your configuration file as bloglines2email.conf (there's a .sample file in svn directory) to specify username & passwords for Bloglines. Running bloglines2email script with crontab will periodically send updated items as HTML mail.
Warning: If you have massive feed subsriptions on Bloglines, Gmail might not like it and they might suspend your account temporarily.
UPDATE: Recently I added an configuration option 'group-items' to send multiple items per feed as one email. That decreases the volume of emails sent, and enables easier browsing on Gmail thanks to conversation threading based on Subject (now that it uses feed's title as Subject in grouping mode). Check out svn if you wanna try)
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