miyagawa's plack-dispatching-samples at master - GitHub
I've been toying with Plack and PSGI URL dispatching a little bit and wanted to see what those dispatching modules on CPAN and PSGI/Plack frameworks are capable of and how the code would look like.
This github repository contains a bunch of examples PSGI applications using dispatcher modules on CPAN such as Path::Dispatcher or HTTP::Router to impelment the same functionalities.
This is to serve as a "cookbook" style of quick comparison as well as a basis of my improvement against Plack::Request and Tatsumaki's URL dispatchers i've been planning to do before making a Plack 1.0 release.
Take a look, and fork your own if you add more examples.
Actually going by examples in Web::Simple source (in git), dispatch examples for Web::Simple should I guess rather output PSGI result directly rather than use Plack::Response.
Posted by: Jakub Narebski | 2010.03.19 at 09:33
No, Plack::Response->finalize should give the raw PSGI result -- that's the point.
Posted by: miyagawa | 2010.03.19 at 16:04